Sunday, 10 May 2015

P&D FF Collab ~!!!

Japanese PAD had an Final Fantasy Collab so i tried my hand at it~

I used any extras ( more than 5 ) as food for the first 5 so~
The results are :

Squall MAX
Tidus 2
Rinoa MAX
Zidane 3
Aemo 2
Cloud 1 ( I wanted to at least get 3 QAQ )
Wal ( I think? ) MAX
( I may like the Final fantasy series but i don't actually play it sorry~ )
Sephiroth 2
Vivi MAX
Yuna 0

QAQ Really wanted at least one Yuna but, financial constraints.
I'm 100% Spamming for her next time around~
Needed her leader ability to help me start off

Monday, 9 February 2015

9 Feb 2015

Another day of nothing but hp and computer games ~

I need to figure out what to do with this blog thingy~

Hamsters all as bored as me XD

Gonna get used to posting here over twitter cause twitter just gets read by people~