Monster Hunter: World


  • Mysterious Feystone (5,6)
  • Glowing Feystone (5,6,7)
  • Worn Feystone (5,6,7,8)
  • Warped Feystone (6,7,8)
All Decorations are only worth 1 point in said skill regardless of Decoration size.
Decoration List
DecorationSizeRaritySkillSkill Cap
Damage [1]
Attack Jewel 117Attack Boost7
Expert Jewel 116Critical Eye7
Blaze Jewel 116Fire Attack5
Stream Jewel 116Water Attack5
Frost Jewel 116Ice Attack5
Bolt Jewel 116Thunder Attack5
Dragon Jewel 116Dragon Attack5
Venom Jewel 116Poison Attack3
Paralyzer Jewel 117Paralysis Attack3
Sleep Jewel 117Sleep Attack3
Blast Jewel 117Blast Attack3
Drain Jewel 116Stamina Thief3
Unique Damage [1]
Sheath16Quick Sheath3
Grinder Jewel 116Speed Sharpening3
Trueshot Jewel 117Special Ammo Boost2
Artillery Jewel 118Artillery3
Sonorous Jewel 116Horn Maestro1
Stonethrower Jewel 116Slinger Capacity3
Bomber Jewel 116Bombardier3
Heavy Artillery Jewel 115Heavy Artillery2
Health [1]
Vitality Jewel 116Health Boost3
Recovery Jewel 116Recovery Speed3
Defense [1]
Protection Jewel 115Divine Blessing3
Defense Jewel 116Defense Boost7
Fire Res Jewel 115Fire Resistance3
Water Res Jewel 115Water Resistance3
Ice Res Jewel 115Ice Resistance3
Thunder Res Jewel 115Thunder Resistance3
Dragon Res Jewel 115Dragon Resistance3
Resistor Jewel 116Blight Resistance3
Steadfast Jewel 116Stun Resistance3
Antidote Jewel 115Poison Resistance3
Antipara Jewel 115Paralysis Resistance3
Pep Jewel 115Sleep Resistance3
Antiblast Jewel 115Blast Resistance3
Suture Jewel 115Bleeding Resistance3
Miasma Jewel 115Effluvia Resistance3
Def Lock Jewel 115Iron Skin3
Utilities [1]
Medicine Jewel 116Recovery Up3
Friendship Jewel 116Wide-Range5
Gobbler Jewel 116Speed Eating3
Enduring Jewel 116Item Prolonger3
Hungerless Jewel 115Hunger Resistance3
Smoke Jewel 115Sporepuff Expert3
Maintainance Jewel 115Tool Specialist3
Crisis Jewel 115Resuscitate1
Fortitude Jewel 115Fortify1
Meowster Jewel 115Palico Rally5
Satiated Jewel 115Free Meal1
Movement [1]
Mirewalker Jewel 115Aquatic Expert3
Tip Toe Jewel 115Stealth3
Intimidator Jewel 115Intimidator3
Gathering [1]
Botany Jewel 115Botanist4
Geology Jewel 115Geologist3
Specimen Jewel 115Entomologist3
Scent Jewel 115Scenthound1
Damage [2]
Challenger Jewel 227Agitator5
Flawless Jewel 227Peak Performance3
Furor Jewel 227Resentment5
Tenderizer Jewel 226Weakness Exploit3
Draw Jewel 228Critical Draw3
Critical Jewel 228Critical Boost3
Destroyer Jewel 226Partbreaker3
Throttle Jewel 227Latent Power5
Flight Jewel 225Airborne1
Slider Jewel 226Affinity Sliding1
Unique Damage [2]
Physique Jewel 226Constitution5
Sharp Jewel 227Protective Polish1
Elementless Jewel 226Non-elemental Boost1
KO Jewel 226Slugger3
Mighty Bow Jewel 228Bow Charge Plus1
Mind's Eye Jewel 228Mind's Eye/Ballistics1
Charger Jewel 228Focus3
Magazine Jewel 227Capacity Boost1
Enhancer Jewel 227Power Prolonger3
Shield Jewel 227Guard Up1
Utilities [2]
Evasion Jewel 226Evade Window5
Jumping Jewel 226Evade Extender3
Footing Jewel 226Tremor Resistance3
Wind Resist Jewel 226Windproof5
Potential Jewel 227Heroics5
Utilities [3]
Earplug Jewel 336Earplugs5
Brace Jewel 336Flinch Free3
Dragonseal Jewel 337Elderseal Boost1
Ranged [3]
Forceshot Jewel 337Normal Shots1
Spread Jewel 338Spead/Power Shots1
Poisoncoat Jewel 336Poison Functionality1
Paracoat Jewel 337Para Functionality1
Sleepcoat Jewel 337Sleep Functionality1
Blastcoat Jewel 337Blast Functionality1

Poogie's Costumes

To acquire Poogie's costumes, you'll first need to pet him until he reacts with a Big Heart and starts find you after your quest completions.
After that he'll start digging up hidden items if you carry him near one.
(Once after each quest.)
The costumes are hidden in areas stated below.

White Jammies:
Large stone fossil in the corner on the left of "Smart Biologist".
(Left of Ecological Researcher)

Hog in a Frog:
Scoutfly Lamp on woodplank near the center of Botany Area.

Apprentice Fiver:
White flag near the Commander's table.

Emperor's New Duds:
Wooden Platform with the bird on the hill behind Blacksmith.

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