Summon Night 6 page has been added to the Site~
Check Back for more updates on it.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Recently due to Real Life circumstances,
(Because for some reason people consider the virtual world to not be real)
I've become a FILTHY CASUAL. As stated in post title.
Here's a list of things that happened during the time gap though~
(There will be no pictures due to the nature of this post but may post images eventually in another post for each individual content.)
Clash Royale
I'm now in a Clan called "Knights Esports" by my friend and we're actually active.
If you're from Singapore and play Clash Royale, come join us~ (Shameless Recruitment)
My current Legendaries increased to 7.
3 ~ 4 due to buying Legendary Chest offers though.
So it's mainly due to the power of Money. But hey you can't fault that.
Level 1
(Because for some reason people consider the virtual world to not be real)
I've become a FILTHY CASUAL. As stated in post title.
Here's a list of things that happened during the time gap though~
(There will be no pictures due to the nature of this post but may post images eventually in another post for each individual content.)
Clash Royale
I'm now in a Clan called "Knights Esports" by my friend and we're actually active.
If you're from Singapore and play Clash Royale, come join us~ (Shameless Recruitment)
My current Legendaries increased to 7.
3 ~ 4 due to buying Legendary Chest offers though.
So it's mainly due to the power of Money. But hey you can't fault that.
Level 1
- The Log
- Princess
- Ice Wizard
- Electro Wizard
- Sparky
- Lava Hound
Level 2
- Inferno Dragon
Also I'm currently in Arena 10!
Which means I'm going to leave the game on farming cards now until I'm ready to hit Arena 11.
My current deck is
- Arrows
- Rocket
- Skeleton Army
- Hog Rider (Probably the reason why i got to Arena 10)
- Dark Prince
- Wizard
- Electro Wizard
- Inferno Dragon
The Idea is just to play slow.
Deal with their push and cheapshot them whenever i can.
Absolutely no deck searching or comparison involved so I have no idea how good or bad this actually is.
Puzzle & Dragons
So from the last update, I got Ideal.
I had no Idea how strong she was at the time of course.
She's now ultimate evolved into her dark alternate. (The combo based one)
I had no Idea how strong she was at the time of course.
She's now ultimate evolved into her dark alternate. (The combo based one)
And all I'm doing now is basically farming for Pys in Ultimate Arena 1 with Meliodas Team.
Reason for this is that, I'm focusing on just +297, Max Skill & Awakening my current Gacha box.
Reason for this is that, I'm focusing on just +297, Max Skill & Awakening my current Gacha box.
Granblue Fantasy
Not being able to play this recently was really tough.
But i managed to get Sakura & Yuel from the Events before they ended.
Essentially I was logging in for dailies and that's pretty much it.
Will by working on this thought because I do actually want to complete my weapon grids.
That's about it I guess.
That's about it I guess.
With Monster Hunter: World coming in 2 months, there's not much to do before.
PUBG has been a really big burden on my computer so that's on hold until I get a new computer or whenever my friends invite my for it.
PUBG has been a really big burden on my computer so that's on hold until I get a new computer or whenever my friends invite my for it.
I've occasionally played League,Dota & CS:GO so I don't get too rusty at it but not really worried about my rank right now.
League's new Mastery system looks fun though so will go through that.
That's pretty much all that happened.
Life's pretty bland now that I see it this way but.
Life's what you make of it. So it just means i was bland and boring recently~!
TIME TO GET EXCITED! About doing absolutely nothing~!
League's new Mastery system looks fun though so will go through that.
That's pretty much all that happened.
Life's pretty bland now that I see it this way but.
Life's what you make of it. So it just means i was bland and boring recently~!
TIME TO GET EXCITED! About doing absolutely nothing~!
Monday, 16 October 2017
Clash Royale - 2nd Legendary
Inferno Dragon~! Got it from my clan chest that my friends have been working hard on~
Inferno Dragon~! Got it from my clan chest that my friends have been working hard on~
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Personal - Playing with myself~
Haven't been updating much due to my recent new job and my in progress personal project.
Then again there hasn't been much to update about either.
Life's pretty dull at the moment~
Will be back with more stuff when life stabilises and i start doing stuff again.
Then again there hasn't been much to update about either.
Life's pretty dull at the moment~
Will be back with more stuff when life stabilises and i start doing stuff again.
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Puzzle & Dragons - Dragon Bound & Dragon Caller
Dragon Bound & Dragon Caller Free Roll Results~
Ideal & Kiri
(2nd Free roll is from clearing the 30 battle dungeon i'm assuming)
Was really surprised to see that Ideal was animated when I got her~!
(2nd Free roll is from clearing the 30 battle dungeon i'm assuming)
Friday, 15 September 2017
Sunday, 6 August 2017
Granblue Fantasy - New to Granblue?
New to Granblue Fantasy?
No not me, but you!
Well if you are, Cygames has released a series on their Youtube channel to introduce new players to the game~
The series titled, "Kyou Kara Hajimeru Granblue" or Granblue Starting Today
On the series they introduce you to tips and useful information for players & trivia about Granblue~
This is of course if you understand Japanese though.
( No one has yet to subtitle it in English yet as of this moment )
Link to "Kyou Kara Hajimeru Granblue" # 1
Or to save you the hassle here's the embedded episode 1 for you to take a look
If you like this continue on their channel here:
No not me, but you!
Well if you are, Cygames has released a series on their Youtube channel to introduce new players to the game~
The series titled, "Kyou Kara Hajimeru Granblue" or Granblue Starting Today
On the series they introduce you to tips and useful information for players & trivia about Granblue~
This is of course if you understand Japanese though.
( No one has yet to subtitle it in English yet as of this moment )
Link to "Kyou Kara Hajimeru Granblue" # 1
Or to save you the hassle here's the embedded episode 1 for you to take a look
If you like this continue on their channel here:
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Granblue Fantasy - Free DAMASCUS~!
Just as a notice but, if you haven't been checking your Granblue Fantasy you might want to check now because as at the time of this post we've recieved a
It's in the Time Limit Crate
So you'd want to recieve them while they're still in there~
If you don't know what they're for,
They're basically a substitute as material to uncap N-SSR Weapons.
So you'd want to recieve them while they're still in there~
If you don't know what they're for,
They're basically a substitute as material to uncap N-SSR Weapons.
Tuesday, 1 August 2017
Friday, 28 July 2017
Deranked in CS:GO to Nova Master
Why are there so many hackers and types of hacks in CS:GO
Smurfs are still human and well we lose in skill but
Hacks are just ridiculous...
I mean winning is fun but when you don't lose to someone because you're inferior but because he chooses to cheat...
It's just sad...
Losing the rank is fine and all but the pure number of cheaters is just getting ridiculous...
I'm drowning my salt QQ
Of course there's always the possibility that i'm way above my play rank and that one guy is just really good at shooting my entire team dead in 20s while spinning~
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Granblue Fantasy - First Eternal!
With the Rise of the Beasts event~
I've finally managed to get my first Eternal~!
And playing a fire team of course the first one would be~

Tien is usually the first go to Eternal for the sole reason that
She boosts Item drop rate with her Support Skill and has 100% Bounty Success rate on her skill set helping a ton when farming specific items.
1 down! 9 to go~
I've finally managed to get my first Eternal~!
And playing a fire team of course the first one would be~

She boosts Item drop rate with her Support Skill and has 100% Bounty Success rate on her skill set helping a ton when farming specific items.
1 down! 9 to go~
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Granblue Fantasy - Rise of the Beasts
It's once again time for Rise of the Beasts!
Pretty much the only time in which Gold Brick can be farmed.
So don't forget to farm your Gold Nuggets.
They're done by doing the Daily Mission that resets everyday
And by redeeming them with 10,000 Four Symbol Pendants per Gold Nugget.
Of course i didn't forget to do mine for today~
Note: Gold Brick's main use are for completing Revenant Weapons to Attain it's attached Character!
Pretty much the only time in which Gold Brick can be farmed.
So don't forget to farm your Gold Nuggets.
They're done by doing the Daily Mission that resets everyday
And by redeeming them with 10,000 Four Symbol Pendants per Gold Nugget.
Of course i didn't forget to do mine for today~
Thursday, 13 July 2017
Dota 2 - Hero Guides Foreshadowing
Right now as I'm learning the game,
I don't want to make posts about Heroes and Gameplay with my current sense of the game so
when I've finalised my rough playstyles on ALL of them,I'll finally start putting out some guides for that.
Look forward to that.
It'll take awhile before they actually happen though~
Also hope to be able to explain technical stuff that'll help in gameplay & beginner gameplay guide.
D.O.T.A. is a game that has been around for awhile and a really large player base which makes joining it new really daunting and having fun even harder at the start so these guides will hopefully make them easier to start.
Not that anyone reads this.
No promises though.
As much as i want to be at a level where i can put out significant guides for them.
I myself may not be at a level where i should teach others which may deter me from doing so until then.
Right now I'm sitting at 3k MMR but I would really like to know where people consider to be decent MMR so i have a rough idea where I have to climb to to get a feel my abilities.
Lots to do. Hope I actually do them~!
I don't want to make posts about Heroes and Gameplay with my current sense of the game so
when I've finalised my rough playstyles on ALL of them,I'll finally start putting out some guides for that.
Look forward to that.
It'll take awhile before they actually happen though~
Also hope to be able to explain technical stuff that'll help in gameplay & beginner gameplay guide.
D.O.T.A. is a game that has been around for awhile and a really large player base which makes joining it new really daunting and having fun even harder at the start so these guides will hopefully make them easier to start.
Not that anyone reads this.
No promises though.
As much as i want to be at a level where i can put out significant guides for them.
I myself may not be at a level where i should teach others which may deter me from doing so until then.
Right now I'm sitting at 3k MMR but I would really like to know where people consider to be decent MMR so i have a rough idea where I have to climb to to get a feel my abilities.
Lots to do. Hope I actually do them~!
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Dota 2 - 3k
Finally reached 3k to determine that I sort of know what I'm doing.
Now to actually learn the game~!
Now to actually learn the game~!
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Dota 2 - Siltbreaker Act 1 Basic Itemisation and Gameplay ( Drow Ranger )
With the purchase of a compendium you'll unlock a limited game mode called Siltbreaker.
Itemisation in Siltbreaker was one of the entry problems for me when first playing cause knowing what you need before you face a boss is pretty important and not having it may just block progression for you especially when playing alone.
So here's how I build my Drow Ranger.
We'll start by thinking about the endgame first.
To defeat Rhyzik (Act 1's Final Boss),
You'll need to have a Monkey King Bar, Shadow Blade and a Satanic for survival.
That puts you at 3 confirmed slots.
If you don't have any Rhyzik Artifacts, your end game build will look something like this.
Silver Edge/Shadow Blade is to supplement your movement speed during move 2, 3 & 4 and to hide from the homing tornadoes.
It can also help you to dodge the blink transition into the hitting phase (move 2 > 1) so that you avoid being a target at this point.
And during move 5 you just hit his tail.
Satanic will usually be enough to survive the mobs explosion but if 3 happens at the same time you might die so you might want to watch out for that.
Itemisation in Siltbreaker was one of the entry problems for me when first playing cause knowing what you need before you face a boss is pretty important and not having it may just block progression for you especially when playing alone.
So here's how I build my Drow Ranger.
We'll start by thinking about the endgame first.
To defeat Rhyzik (Act 1's Final Boss),
You'll need to have a Monkey King Bar, Shadow Blade and a Satanic for survival.
That puts you at 3 confirmed slots.
If you don't have any Rhyzik Artifacts, your end game build will look something like this.
- Silver Edge
- Mjollnir
- Aghanim's Scepter
- Satanic
- Daedalus
- Monkey King Bar
- Moonshard (Eaten)
Now to Item progression and a rough strategy guide.
- Boots
You start off with boots.
Player who want to ensure their survival may grab a Healing Salve or two at the first shop they find.
- Phase Boots, Maelstrom
- Boots, Shadow Blade
Before Zone 3: Trial of Gallaron, players without Artifact Pelt of the Old Wolf may want to get a Phase Boots or Shadow Blade to supplement their movement speed.
More experienced players will want a Maelstrom for damage while less experienced ones should take a Shadow Blade which helps with survivability and removing aggro.
- Phase Boots, Mjollnir
- Boots, Shadow Blade, Aghanim
Based off your branch from the previous items you'll want to get either of these by Zone 5: Silkmire Pass
From here on out it's all DAMAGE
While you want to get a Satanic before Zone 8: Kalabor Waste to increase your survivability, there's no need to rush for it if you believe you can stay alive esp if your team has Vladmir's or Artifact Unhallowed Icon.
Be careful of Zone 8: Kalabor Waste's Centaur and Zone 9: Shatterblast Canyon's Golem's Blademail.
You will take damage hitting them unless you have both Satanic active and Artifact Carapace of Qaldin which doubles your healing.
Finally Rhyzik
His moveset is.
- Hitting the nearest target and a tailswipe that comes in from his left (your right).
- Digging forward towards a target if anyone is in the line above his digging path they get knocked up and damaged and it ends with him blinking towards the nearest player and hitting them (Move 1).
- He stops moving and channels tornadoes around him and 1 from the outside which homes in on each player.
- He stops moving and channels Shockwaves from him which if hits a player knocks up and deals damage.
- He digs under ground with only his tail out and summons mobs. the purple ones explode when touching a player while the rest heals him if they reach him.
During move 1, Letting the tanker tank the boss and just hitting him while not getting hit by the tail is all you do.
Silver Edge/Shadow Blade is to supplement your movement speed during move 2, 3 & 4 and to hide from the homing tornadoes.
It can also help you to dodge the blink transition into the hitting phase (move 2 > 1) so that you avoid being a target at this point.
And during move 5 you just hit his tail.
Satanic will usually be enough to survive the mobs explosion but if 3 happens at the same time you might die so you might want to watch out for that.
And well... You Win?
If you manage to Kill Rhyzik he's supposed to drop an Item for sure so hopefully you get yours.
Drow can really make use of Artifact Finale Caustic as her Aghanim allows her to hit 3 targets at once and apply its debuff.
Artifact Rhyzik's Eye is useful for survivability especially if dodging isn't your specialty.
And Carapace of Qaldin is useful for hitting through Blademail.
So good luck getting them.
Another Notable Artifact is Unhallowed Icon which drops from Spider Boss Ankaboot.
It allows all players to heal each other with their damage so having one in your team might rid you of your need for a satanic at Rhyzik ( Assuming you can survive without the strength ).
I myself have only gotten up to 2 stars on Rhyzik at the moment so go ahead and experiment with things and have fun.
Here's the link to the General Information about Siltbreaker on its Wiki
If you manage to Kill Rhyzik he's supposed to drop an Item for sure so hopefully you get yours.
Drow can really make use of Artifact Finale Caustic as her Aghanim allows her to hit 3 targets at once and apply its debuff.
Artifact Rhyzik's Eye is useful for survivability especially if dodging isn't your specialty.
And Carapace of Qaldin is useful for hitting through Blademail.
So good luck getting them.
Another Notable Artifact is Unhallowed Icon which drops from Spider Boss Ankaboot.
It allows all players to heal each other with their damage so having one in your team might rid you of your need for a satanic at Rhyzik ( Assuming you can survive without the strength ).
I myself have only gotten up to 2 stars on Rhyzik at the moment so go ahead and experiment with things and have fun.
Here's the link to the General Information about Siltbreaker on its Wiki
Saturday, 1 July 2017
Granblue Fantasy - 300 Rolls SPARK!
Haven't updated in awhile so i'm back with bigger stuff~
Struggled between Sturm & Mahira but chose Mahira because
1. Mahira is one of the zodiac making her a limited character
2. She's one of the stronger Earth Characters for when i make an Earth Team
3. She's a loli
I can't really decide on characters other than referencing tier lists at the moment due to the fact that I only run a fire team at the moment.
Consideration for Sturm was only on the fact that she'd be an immediate asset to my character set however Mahira being limited within the year made her a higher priority.
Moon Results
15 SSRs + 1 Spark
9 Weapons ( 6 New Characters + 3 Gold Moons )
6 Summons
Thats makes the SSR Rate here 1 in 20 rolls
SSR Characters
In order from left to right, top down
Mahira (SPARK)
Zeta [Dark]
Particularly happy about Magisa & Yggdrasil here.
Magisa because she's a really strong Fire Character allowing me to play around with my party members.
Yggdrasil because she's one of the few Primal Race Characters and her skill set looks pretty good.
But was actually hoping for Grand series characters who were exclusive to Premium Galas.
7 New SR Characters
4 New R Characters
Won't be writing on who they are due to the fact that most of them won't be useful.
All in all I got a fair amount of stuff and rolling 300 times was really fun to see what each roll would give me.
Back to saving for the next 300 Rolls though :P
Here's the summary of the result.
It was disappointing... QAQ
It was disappointing... QAQ
Didn't exactly get anything i wanted and had a fair amount of duds but hey I did get some some stuff that I can use~
Firstly my spark was
Firstly my spark was
Struggled between Sturm & Mahira but chose Mahira because
1. Mahira is one of the zodiac making her a limited character
2. She's one of the stronger Earth Characters for when i make an Earth Team
3. She's a loli
I can't really decide on characters other than referencing tier lists at the moment due to the fact that I only run a fire team at the moment.
Consideration for Sturm was only on the fact that she'd be an immediate asset to my character set however Mahira being limited within the year made her a higher priority.
- 22 x 10 Rolls
- 80 x Single Rolls
Moon Results
- 29 Bronze Moon
- 9 Silver Moon
- 3 Gold Moons
9 Weapons ( 6 New Characters + 3 Gold Moons )
6 Summons
Thats makes the SSR Rate here 1 in 20 rolls
SSR Characters
Mahira (SPARK)
Zeta [Dark]
Particularly happy about Magisa & Yggdrasil here.
Magisa because she's a really strong Fire Character allowing me to play around with my party members.
Yggdrasil because she's one of the few Primal Race Characters and her skill set looks pretty good.
But was actually hoping for Grand series characters who were exclusive to Premium Galas.
7 New SR Characters
4 New R Characters
Won't be writing on who they are due to the fact that most of them won't be useful.
All in all I got a fair amount of stuff and rolling 300 times was really fun to see what each roll would give me.
Back to saving for the next 300 Rolls though :P
Monday, 19 June 2017
Dota - Solo MMR!
Just finished my 10 Dota Ranked Games
Final score was 6 Wins 4 Lose
MMR is now at
Right now the plan is to get to 3000 so that I'm around my friend's range and
from there i'll take it slow and just focus on getting better at what I do and learn in depth more about the game.
Final score was 6 Wins 4 Lose
MMR is now at
from there i'll take it slow and just focus on getting better at what I do and learn in depth more about the game.
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Dota - First Ranked Game!
Recently I've been playing Dota 2 with my friends at night and
just playing norms all the time makes it hard to tell how good I am at the game at the moment
so i tried my hand at ranked~
This is the result of the first game.
I believe the game mmr was 2416 with 4 members each team without mmr
Won really one sidedly and not exactly a good gauge yet but still excited about the win.
Hopefully i get a good mmr at the end of the 10 games.
PS: IGN was ABNormal
just playing norms all the time makes it hard to tell how good I am at the game at the moment
so i tried my hand at ranked~
This is the result of the first game.
Won really one sidedly and not exactly a good gauge yet but still excited about the win.
Hopefully i get a good mmr at the end of the 10 games.
PS: IGN was ABNormal
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Granblue Fantasy - Cinderella Fantasy: Pina Hazard
So here's the summary of the current event in GBF "Cinderella Fantasy: Pina Hazard"
The entire event consists of
On top of that [Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki has a 4th uncap ( Blue Star uncap ) which if done completes a trophy and gives you SR Character Kanzaki Ranko.
The entire event consists of
- The Event Story : Pina Hazard
- Returning Event Story : Snow Mountain Story
- Treasure Trade & Special Quests
- 4 Event Special Quests to obtain Collab Characters
The Key things to obtain from this event are
- Brunnhilde Summon ( At least 1 )
- Kirari Moroboshi Summon ( At least 1 )
- Damascus Crystals ( 3 Available )
- 16 Idolmaster Collab Characters
- Optional: Unknown weapons with 4th uncap ( Event Items required to complete 4th uncap )
Brunnhilde, Kirari Moroboshi & Damasucs Crystals are all from Treasure Trade.
You can farm the required materials to redeem them from the Special Quests
- Enticed by the Sweet Aroma ( Normal, Hard )
- Pina Colata Madness ( Very Hard, Extreme, Maniac )
- Pina Colata Madness Raid ( Very Hard, Extreme)
- Pina Enough for you? ( Nightmare Limited Level 60, 100, 120)
And finally my favourite part of these event!
The 16 Idolmaster Collab Characters
I haven't gotten most of them before but most of them should be from previous Idolmaster Collab Events and this is your chance to get them if you haven't yet like me.
- Event Story: Pina Hazard
(Nitta Minami Acquired on Ep.2 Clear & Loyalty required to complete) - Returning Event Story: Snowy Mountain Story
(Anastasia & Akagi Miria Acquired on Ep.2 Clear) - Treasure Trade ( Ichinose Shiki )
- Special Event: The Newcomers
(Jougasaki Mika, Jougasaki Rika & Futaba Anzu Acquired on Clear) - Special Event: Peace for Lost Souls
(Mimura Kanako, Totoki Airi & Shirasaka Koume Acquired on Clear) - Special Event: Girls Keep on Dreaming
(Kawashima Mizuki, Koshimizu Sachiko & Maekawa Miku Acquired on Clear) - Special Event: Keep Dreaming in the Sky
(Shimamura Uzuki, Shibuya Rin & Honda Mio Acquired on Clear)
"The Newcomers" & "Keep Dreaming in the Sky" is straightforward, just kill the boss.
However "Peace for Lost Souls" requires you to use Koume's Undead skill just before he heals to kill him & "Girls Keep on Dreaming" uses Sachiko's Dodge to dodge his Charge Attack.
"The Newcomers" & "Keep Dreaming in the Sky" is straightforward, just kill the boss.
However "Peace for Lost Souls" requires you to use Koume's Undead skill just before he heals to kill him & "Girls Keep on Dreaming" uses Sachiko's Dodge to dodge his Charge Attack.
Q: Why would you want Brunnhilde & Kirari Moroboshi?
You're required to summon them a number or times to acquire a Trophy.
You're required to summon them a number or times to acquire a Trophy.
The trophy reward gives you [Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki & [Skybound] Kirari Summons Respectively.
On top of that [Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki has a 4th uncap ( Blue Star uncap ) which if done completes a trophy and gives you SR Character Kanzaki Ranko.
The trophies required to see her 4th uncap are
- The 6 Different Trophies from delivering the killing blow to the 6 different magnas using
[Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki - The 3 Trophies from
- Leveling Anastasia & Shibuya Rin to Level 50
- Leveling Akagi Miria, Totoki Airi & Honda Mio to Level 60
- Leveling Shimamura Uzuki, Koshimizu Sachiko & Akagi Miria to Level 70
This Event just has lots to get and do so don't miss out on it.
The amount of characters you can get from this event and how easy it is to get them also makes this a really good event for beginners.
The amount of characters you can get from this event and how easy it is to get them also makes this a really good event for beginners.
At the moment of this post there's 5 days left on the event so if you haven't done it make sure to at least get the characters and summons~!
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Rank up!
Ranked up in CS:GO~!
Master Guardian I > Master Guardian II
Master Guardian I > Master Guardian II
Monday, 5 June 2017
World of Warcraft - Inactive
My World of Warcraft Subscription ended and therefore not touching it for awhile until i decide to go back or when something interesting happens.
I do have WoW tokens in the account when i do want to go back though.
Stopping Mythic Raiding just pulled too much of the challenge out of the game for me.
And playing alone is pretty boring when there's no game progression.
Will update when something happens with my WoW.
I do have WoW tokens in the account when i do want to go back though.
Stopping Mythic Raiding just pulled too much of the challenge out of the game for me.
And playing alone is pretty boring when there's no game progression.
Will update when something happens with my WoW.
Granblue Fantasy - WARLOCK!
3rd IV Class~! Warlock!
With the reset on prestige pendants for the new week~
Here comes the 3rd "IV Class"
Why Warlock?
Very simply i chose Warlock over Beserker just to use the weapon "Septian Burner" which increases drop rates.
(Also, Warlock Djeeta is cuter.)
However with this 3rd unlock I've run out of CP for the next class~
So i'll have to stick with these 3 for awhile.
Her achievement was really easy and the solution was written in the Spartan unlock post here.
Not really sure what's the next step i should take other than farming damascus ingots from events now.
And waiting keenly for the next Unite & Fight where my Revenant Gun will be completed.
Here comes the 3rd "IV Class"
Why Warlock?
Very simply i chose Warlock over Beserker just to use the weapon "Septian Burner" which increases drop rates.
(Also, Warlock Djeeta is cuter.)
However with this 3rd unlock I've run out of CP for the next class~
So i'll have to stick with these 3 for awhile.
Her achievement was really easy and the solution was written in the Spartan unlock post here.
Not really sure what's the next step i should take other than farming damascus ingots from events now.
And waiting keenly for the next Unite & Fight where my Revenant Gun will be completed.
Granblue Fantasy,
Row IV,
Superior Mage Trophy,
Friday, 2 June 2017
Granblue Fantasy - Spartan Unlocked
Following Elysian the 2nd IV class~
Spartan's achievement quest was pretty easy.
Generally the only gimmick you had to deal with was the "Repel" at 25%.
Therefore bringing dispel is advised. or at least thats what i did.
As for the "Phalanx" at 50% you can just wait out the 3 mins if you think you won't get your dispel back in time for "Repel"
Other than that it's just using skills on cooldown and using phalanx on Charge Attacks other than 50%'s "Phalanx" and 25%'s "Repel"
At the same time i also went through some of the other achievements for "Row IV" Classes
First 3 required you to just nuke the old lady.
The 4th one "Superior Lancer Trophy" was pretty tough though.
( Cleared it with main hand as Axe)
The beginning is the same turn on buff,debuffs and just attack.
Grids are same as in previous post here~ (There is a backup Fire Sword called "Balanced Blade")
Next up will either be Berserker or Warlock depending on what i feel i need more at the time but with both their achievements acquired it'll be a matter of time.
As for the 4 achievements I've yet to achieve i might have to hold it off awhile due to lacking the weapons required. Will give it a shot and update if cleared though.
Generally the only gimmick you had to deal with was the "Repel" at 25%.
Therefore bringing dispel is advised. or at least thats what i did.
As for the "Phalanx" at 50% you can just wait out the 3 mins if you think you won't get your dispel back in time for "Repel"
Other than that it's just using skills on cooldown and using phalanx on Charge Attacks other than 50%'s "Phalanx" and 25%'s "Repel"
At the same time i also went through some of the other achievements for "Row IV" Classes
- Superior Duelist Trophy
- Superior Clergy Trophy
- Superior Mage Trophy
- Superior Lancer Trophy
First 3 required you to just nuke the old lady.
The 4th one "Superior Lancer Trophy" was pretty tough though.
( Cleared it with main hand as Axe)
The beginning is the same turn on buff,debuffs and just attack.
- However after 45% she uses Springwater Robe which gives her "Mirror Image".
You can clear that with any summon skill.
- Note that after 45% her Charge Attack also changes into "Resonating Surge" which deals a ton of damage.
Making sure you survive this is pretty important as it can deal a lot of damage.
As fire i used Athena and a pot to fill up my health to deal with this.
Grids are same as in previous post here~ (There is a backup Fire Sword called "Balanced Blade")
Next up will either be Berserker or Warlock depending on what i feel i need more at the time but with both their achievements acquired it'll be a matter of time.
As for the 4 achievements I've yet to achieve i might have to hold it off awhile due to lacking the weapons required. Will give it a shot and update if cleared though.
Granblue Fantasy,
Row IV,
Superior Defender Trophy
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Granblue Fantasy - My First "Row IV" Class
With the completion of my first "Class Champion Weapon",
It's time to start on the "Row IV" classes~
For my first one i chose "Elysian".
Finally! My First "Row IV" Class!
The method i used to clear "Search for an Heir" as a Superstar was
Subskill: Clarity (Remove 1 debuff from all parties)
Support: Athena (80% Fire Attack , 20% Health)
Crew Skills: 2 Potions & 10% Fire Attack
Throughout the fight
Turn 1: Turn on buffs & Attack
Turn 2: Use Athena & Attack
Until 75%: Attack and try to delay as long as possible to allow enemy to debuff their own attack.
61%~63%: Use summon Buffs and Charge Attack if available
Below 60%:
Not sure if strategy is fully accurate and took a few tries but it worked out~
It's time to start on the "Row IV" classes~
For my first one i chose "Elysian".
The method i used to clear "Search for an Heir" as a Superstar was
Subskill: Clarity (Remove 1 debuff from all parties)
Support: Athena (80% Fire Attack , 20% Health)
Crew Skills: 2 Potions & 10% Fire Attack
Throughout the fight
- Heal with potions if required
- Clarity when a debuff is applied on M.C.
Turn 1: Turn on buffs & Attack
Turn 2: Use Athena & Attack
Until 75%: Attack and try to delay as long as possible to allow enemy to debuff their own attack.
61%~63%: Use summon Buffs and Charge Attack if available
Below 60%:
- Turn on buffs if available
- Charge Attack if available
- Use Soul Soloist 2 turns before an Charge Attack to hopefully prevent falling Asleep
( First Charge Attack below 60% will be "Call of the Abyss" buffing enemy's D.A. & T.A.)
Below is the grid i used at the time of clear.
Not sure if strategy is fully accurate and took a few tries but it worked out~
Granblue Fantasy - Class Weapon Complete!
Class Champion Weapon : Ascalon
"Element Change" complete!
And with the completion of the first weapon,
quest "Search for an Heir" is finally unlocked!!!
The quest "Search for an Heir" is required to acquire the achievements for the unlock of "Row IV" classes~
Time to start unlocking my classes~!
"Element Change" complete!
quest "Search for an Heir" is finally unlocked!!!
Time to start unlocking my classes~!
Monday, 24 April 2017
World of Warcraft - EVEN MORE LEGENDARIES!
More Legendary drop updates~!
A legendary dropped for my Fury Warrior~
Ceann-Ar Charger (Head)
This late into the Expansion Legendaries aren't exactly Rare anymore but since they are technically a rare drop that is hard to get, they're still precious and important~
Especially for progression raiders where having BIS (Best in Slot) Legendaries are pretty useful.
Working towards the at least 1 legendary on every character~
A legendary dropped for my Fury Warrior~
Ceann-Ar Charger (Head)
This late into the Expansion Legendaries aren't exactly Rare anymore but since they are technically a rare drop that is hard to get, they're still precious and important~
Especially for progression raiders where having BIS (Best in Slot) Legendaries are pretty useful.
Working towards the at least 1 legendary on every character~
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
World of Warcraft - Legion Skies~!
It's been awhile since 7.2 so i'm a little late but FLYING ACHIEVED!
Using it mainly for alts to get to their WQ at the moment~
But with flying, the whole place looks so different!
Just a record post to log an achievement XD
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - WON!
Finally won a game of PUBG while practicing!
Solo (Asia)
1/82 with 4 kills~
Not exactly good at it yet with all the camping i'm doing but at least being able to win is a start~
Recently been playing this with my friend as duos.
A simple explanation of what PUBG is~
The aim of the game is simple.
Be the last man/team standing.
You play either alone(Solo), in groups of 2 (Duo) or in groups of 4 (Squad)
After the 1 min warm up, All players are put into a plane and are forced to parachute down onto a single island with combat equipment.
Players then scramble to find guns, armor, ammo and meds.
After a specific amount of time a Area designated by a white circle on the map will be marked and when the timer reaches 0, a blue circle will slowly close in until it reaches the white circle.
Players outside the blue circle are dealt damage which increases with the duration of the match.
When the blue circle meets the white circle a new timer is given and a smaller area within the blue circle will be marked by the white circle.
This repeats until there is a single man/team remaining.
(Yes the blue circle will ultimately cover the enter map if there are 2 or more teams remaining.)
The Variation of equipment are
- Clothing
- Backpack
- Helmet
- Bullet Vest
- Guns
- Gun Attachments
- Ammo
- Melee Weapons (Which I really don't recommend attempting to use at all.)
- Meds (Bandages and First Aid Kits will heal you up to 75% while Energy Drinks and Painkillers will give you a boost bar which heals you over time. Med Kits Full Heals.)
When you die or at the end of the match you gain currency based on 3 factors.
The remaining amount of players, The amount of hits you got on other players & The amount of players you've killed.
The currency is used to open cases which contain clothing that you can wear into your games.
It's pretty fun other than that some servers have a little lag and my system isn't exactly good enough to play without a little bit of lag. QAQ
There are launch options to help with that and these are just the ones i use
- -malloc=system
- +mat_antialias 0 window
- -sm4
- -noborder
As to what they do, i did read what they did at the time but it'll be better to search it up yourself if you want to know~
Recently i've just been playing this pretty much i figured i should try to at least be decent at it therefore i'm practicing.
Still a camper but at least i'm getting better at shooting
Hopefully i get to a point where i'm actually an asset when playing with friends LOL
Friday, 14 April 2017
World of Warcraft - MORE LEGENDARIES!
8th Legendary for Shadow Priest~!
Mangaza's Madness (Waist)
Got it from the reward bags from handing in Legionfall War Supplies.
Going to finish all the shadow legendaries!
Hope they implement Legendary Loot Spec before that happens
Mangaza's Madness (Waist)
Got it from the reward bags from handing in Legionfall War Supplies.
Going to finish all the shadow legendaries!
Hope they implement Legendary Loot Spec before that happens
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Anime Marathon~
Been watching Natsume Yuujinchou~
Finished season 1 ~ 3.
2 more seasons to go!
I've also been down with something like a sorethroat~
Will get to work on the Mahjong pages soon.
Finished season 1 ~ 3.
2 more seasons to go!
I've also been down with something like a sorethroat~
Will get to work on the Mahjong pages soon.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Idolm@aster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage - 10 Roll
I had a ton of jewels and figured i'd do a 10 roll and look who I got~!
Sunday, 9 April 2017
World of Warcraft - LEGENDARY
Achor, The Eternal Hunger
Not exactly what a demon hunters need but it's still my first legendary on it and it's pretty decent with it's triple secondary stats.
Here's a list of legendaries i have at the moment.
Priest (Shadow)
Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Paladin (Protection)
Achor, The Eternal Hunger
Not exactly what a demon hunters need but it's still my first legendary on it and it's pretty decent with it's triple secondary stats.
Here's a list of legendaries i have at the moment.
Priest (Shadow)
- Zenk'aram, Iridi's Anadem (Head)
- Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (Shoulder)
- Mother Shahraz's Seduction (Neck)
- Zeks Exterminatus (Back)
- Anund's Seared Shackles (Wrist)
- Norgannon's Foresight (Feet)
- The Twins' Painful Touch (Ring)
Demon Hunter (Havoc)
- Achor, The Eternal Hunger (Chest)
Paladin (Protection)
- Chain of Thrayn (Waist)
World of Warcraft - Alt levelled!
Monk alt. finally at 110!
4 more classes to go before i complete them all
Death Knight,Warlock,Rogue,Shaman
Levels in order of highest to lowest~
4 more classes to go before i complete them all
Death Knight,Warlock,Rogue,Shaman
Levels in order of highest to lowest~
Monday, 3 April 2017
Granblue Fantasy - "Table For Six" Complete!
Well not technically full clear but, all the cores obtained~!
H.P.A Fully Uncapped
Dandelion Fully Uncapped
And all 3 Damascus Crystals Obtained~
Back to rank grinding~
Saturday, 1 April 2017
Mahjong HYPE!
Recently I've been pretty into Mahjong.
Been playing on a new mobile app called "Mahjong TsumoTsumo" released by Appbank in japan.(they do really interesting youtube videos too)
Here is it's Promotional Video and the links to the app.
You may be outside it's specified region which well... I'm sure you'll find a way.
For my personal use i've added a Japanese Mahjong Yaku List in the page tab.
It lists the roles available in Japanese Mahjong and their Han worth so i keep track of the available roles while i play.
Hopefully will update more on that soon.
Been playing on a new mobile app called "Mahjong TsumoTsumo" released by Appbank in japan.(they do really interesting youtube videos too)
Here is it's Promotional Video and the links to the app.
You may be outside it's specified region which well... I'm sure you'll find a way.
For my personal use i've added a Japanese Mahjong Yaku List in the page tab.
It lists the roles available in Japanese Mahjong and their Han worth so i keep track of the available roles while i play.
Hopefully will update more on that soon.
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