Monday, 24 April 2017

World of Warcraft - EVEN MORE LEGENDARIES!

More Legendary drop updates~!

A legendary dropped for my Fury Warrior~
Ceann-Ar Charger (Head)

This late into the Expansion Legendaries aren't exactly Rare anymore but since they are technically a rare drop that is hard to get, they're still precious and important~
Especially for progression raiders where having BIS (Best in Slot) Legendaries are pretty useful.

Working towards the at least 1 legendary on every character~

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

World of Warcraft - Legion Skies~!


It's been awhile since 7.2 so i'm a little late but FLYING ACHIEVED!

Using it mainly for alts to get to their WQ at the moment~
But with flying, the whole place looks so different!

Just a record post to log an achievement XD

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - WON!

Finally won a game of PUBG while practicing!

Solo (Asia)

1/82 with 4 kills~
Not exactly good at it yet with all the camping i'm doing but at least being able to win is a start~
Recently been playing this with my friend as duos.

A simple explanation of what PUBG is~

The aim of the game is simple.
Be the last man/team standing.

You play either alone(Solo), in groups of 2 (Duo) or in groups of 4 (Squad)
After the 1 min warm up, All players are put into a plane and are forced to parachute down onto a single island with combat equipment.
Players then scramble to find guns, armor, ammo and meds.
After a specific amount of time a Area designated by a white circle on the map will be marked and when the timer reaches 0, a blue circle will slowly close in until it reaches the white circle.
Players outside the blue circle are dealt damage which increases with the duration of the match.
When the blue circle meets the white circle a new timer is given and a smaller area within the blue circle will be marked by the white circle.
This repeats until there is a single man/team remaining. 
(Yes the blue circle will ultimately cover the enter map if there are 2 or more teams remaining.)

The Variation of equipment are
  • Clothing
  • Backpack
  • Helmet
  • Bullet Vest
  • Guns
  • Gun Attachments
  • Ammo
  • Melee Weapons (Which I really don't recommend attempting to use at all.)
  • Meds (Bandages and First Aid Kits will heal you up to 75% while Energy Drinks and Painkillers will give you a boost bar which heals you over time. Med Kits Full Heals.)
When you die or at the end of the match you gain currency based on 3 factors.
The remaining amount of players, The amount of hits you got on other players & The amount of players you've killed.
The currency is used to open cases which contain clothing that you can wear into your games.

It's pretty fun other than that some servers have a little lag and my system isn't exactly good enough to play without a little bit of lag. QAQ

There are launch options to help with that and these are just the ones i use
  • -malloc=system 
  • +mat_antialias 0 window
  • -sm4
  • -noborder
As to what they do, i did read what they did at the time but it'll be better to search it up yourself if you want to know~

Recently i've just been playing this pretty much i figured i should try to at least be decent at it therefore i'm practicing.
Still a camper but at least i'm getting better at shooting
Hopefully i get to a point where i'm actually an asset when playing with friends LOL

Friday, 14 April 2017

World of Warcraft - MORE LEGENDARIES!

8th Legendary for Shadow Priest~!
Mangaza's Madness (Waist)
Got it from the reward bags from handing in Legionfall War Supplies.

Going to finish all the shadow legendaries!
Hope they implement Legendary Loot Spec before that happens

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Anime Marathon~

Been watching Natsume Yuujinchou~
Finished season 1 ~ 3.
2 more seasons to go!

I've also been down with something like a sorethroat~
Will get to work on the Mahjong pages soon.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Idolm@aster Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage - 10 Roll

I had a ton of jewels and figured i'd do a 10 roll and look who I got~!

Sajo Yukimi

Although i don't really play it enough to understand how good she actually is~
It's 1 more SSR for my team considering i don't have many. So I'm pretty happy about it~!

The roll was pretty good too 1 SSR 1 SR~ 

Sunday, 9 April 2017

World of Warcraft - LEGENDARY

Achor, The Eternal Hunger

 Not exactly what a demon hunters need but it's still my first legendary on it and it's pretty decent with it's triple secondary stats.

Here's a list of legendaries i have at the moment.

Priest (Shadow)

  1. Zenk'aram, Iridi's Anadem (Head)
  2. Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (Shoulder)
  3. Mother Shahraz's Seduction (Neck)
  4. Zeks Exterminatus (Back)
  5. Anund's Seared Shackles (Wrist)
  6. Norgannon's Foresight (Feet)
  7. The Twins' Painful Touch (Ring)

Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  1. Achor, The Eternal Hunger (Chest)

Paladin (Protection)

  1. Chain of Thrayn (Waist)

World of Warcraft - Alt levelled!

Monk alt. finally at 110!
4 more classes to go before i complete them all
Death Knight,Warlock,Rogue,Shaman
Levels in order of highest to lowest~

Monday, 3 April 2017

Granblue Fantasy - Rank Uncapped!

Finally rank uncapped from 100 to 150!


Granblue Fantasy - "Table For Six" Complete!

Well not technically full clear but, all the cores obtained~!

H.P.A Fully Uncapped
Dandelion Fully Uncapped
And all 3 Damascus Crystals Obtained~
Back to rank grinding~

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Mahjong HYPE!

Recently I've been pretty into Mahjong.
Been playing on a new mobile app called "Mahjong TsumoTsumo" released by Appbank in japan.(they do really interesting youtube videos too)
Here is it's Promotional Video and the links to the app.
You may be outside it's specified region which well... I'm sure you'll find a way.


For my personal use i've added a Japanese Mahjong Yaku List in the page tab.
It lists the roles available in Japanese Mahjong and their Han worth so i keep track of the available roles while i play.
Hopefully will update more on that soon.