Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Granblue Fantasy - My First "Row IV" Class

With the completion of my first "Class Champion Weapon",
It's time to start on the "Row IV" classes~
For my first one i chose "Elysian".

Finally! My First "Row IV" Class!

The method i used to clear "Search for an Heir" as a Superstar was

Subskill: Clarity (Remove 1 debuff from all parties)

Support: Athena (80% Fire Attack , 20% Health)

Crew Skills: 2 Potions & 10% Fire Attack

Throughout the fight
  • Heal with potions if required
  • Clarity when a debuff is applied on M.C.

Turn 1: Turn on buffs & Attack
Turn 2: Use Athena & Attack
Until 75%: Attack and try to delay as long as possible to allow enemy to debuff their own attack.
61%~63%: Use summon Buffs and Charge Attack if available
Below 60%:

  • Turn on buffs if available
  • Charge Attack if available
  • Use Soul Soloist 2 turns before an Charge Attack to hopefully prevent falling Asleep
    ( First Charge Attack below 60% will be "Call of the Abyss" buffing enemy's D.A. & T.A.)
Below is the grid i used at the time of clear.

Not sure if strategy is fully accurate and took a few tries but it worked out~

Granblue Fantasy - Class Weapon Complete!

Class Champion Weapon : Ascalon
"Element Change" complete!

Ascalon Element Change Materials
And with the completion of the first weapon,
quest "Search for an Heir" is finally unlocked!!!

The quest "Search for an Heir" is required to acquire the achievements for the unlock of "Row IV" classes~
Time to start unlocking my classes~!