It's time to start on the "Row IV" classes~
For my first one i chose "Elysian".
The method i used to clear "Search for an Heir" as a Superstar was
Subskill: Clarity (Remove 1 debuff from all parties)
Support: Athena (80% Fire Attack , 20% Health)
Crew Skills: 2 Potions & 10% Fire Attack
Throughout the fight
- Heal with potions if required
- Clarity when a debuff is applied on M.C.
Turn 1: Turn on buffs & Attack
Turn 2: Use Athena & Attack
Until 75%: Attack and try to delay as long as possible to allow enemy to debuff their own attack.
61%~63%: Use summon Buffs and Charge Attack if available
Below 60%:
- Turn on buffs if available
- Charge Attack if available
- Use Soul Soloist 2 turns before an Charge Attack to hopefully prevent falling Asleep
( First Charge Attack below 60% will be "Call of the Abyss" buffing enemy's D.A. & T.A.)
Below is the grid i used at the time of clear.
Not sure if strategy is fully accurate and took a few tries but it worked out~