Monday, 19 June 2017

Dota - Solo MMR!

Just finished my 10 Dota Ranked Games
Final score was 6 Wins 4 Lose

MMR is now at

Right now the plan is to get to 3000 so that I'm around my friend's range and
from there i'll take it slow and just focus on getting better at what I do and learn in depth more about the game.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Dota - First Ranked Game!

Recently I've been playing Dota 2 with my friends at night and
just playing norms all the time makes it hard to tell how good I am at the game at the moment
so i tried my hand at ranked~

This is the result of the first game.
I believe the game mmr was 2416 with 4 members each team without mmr
Won really one sidedly and not exactly a good gauge yet but still excited about the win.

Hopefully i get a good mmr at the end of the 10 games.

PS: IGN was ABNormal

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Granblue Fantasy - Cinderella Fantasy: Pina Hazard

So here's the  summary of the current event in GBF "Cinderella Fantasy: Pina Hazard"

The entire event consists of
  • The Event Story : Pina Hazard
  • Returning Event Story : Snow Mountain Story
  • Treasure Trade & Special Quests
  • 4 Event Special Quests to obtain Collab Characters
The Key things to obtain from this event are
  • Brunnhilde Summon ( At least 1 )
  • Kirari Moroboshi Summon ( At least 1 )
  • Damascus Crystals ( 3 Available )
  • 16 Idolmaster Collab Characters
  • Optional: Unknown weapons with 4th uncap ( Event Items required to complete 4th uncap )

Brunnhilde, Kirari Moroboshi & Damasucs Crystals are all from Treasure Trade.
You can farm the required materials to redeem them from the Special Quests
  • Enticed by the Sweet Aroma ( Normal, Hard )
  • Pina Colata Madness ( Very Hard, Extreme, Maniac )
  • Pina Colata Madness Raid ( Very Hard, Extreme)
  • Pina Enough for you? ( Nightmare Limited Level 60, 100, 120)
And finally my favourite part of these event!
The 16 Idolmaster Collab Characters
I haven't gotten most of them before but most of them should be from previous Idolmaster Collab Events and this is your chance to get them if you haven't yet like me.
  • Event Story: Pina Hazard
    (Nitta Minami Acquired on Ep.2 Clear & Loyalty required to complete)
  • Returning Event Story: Snowy Mountain Story
    (Anastasia & Akagi Miria Acquired on Ep.2 Clear)
  • Treasure Trade ( Ichinose Shiki )
  • Special Event: The Newcomers
    (Jougasaki Mika, Jougasaki Rika & Futaba Anzu Acquired on Clear)
  • Special Event: Peace for Lost Souls
    (Mimura Kanako, Totoki Airi & Shirasaka Koume Acquired on Clear)
  • Special Event: Girls Keep on Dreaming
    (Kawashima Mizuki, Koshimizu Sachiko & Maekawa Miku Acquired on Clear)
  • Special Event: Keep Dreaming in the Sky
    (Shimamura Uzuki, Shibuya Rin & Honda Mio Acquired on Clear)
"The Newcomers" & "Keep Dreaming in the Sky" is straightforward, just kill the boss.
However "Peace for Lost Souls" requires you to use Koume's Undead skill just before he heals to kill him &  "Girls Keep on Dreaming" uses Sachiko's Dodge to dodge his Charge Attack.

Q: Why would you want Brunnhilde & Kirari Moroboshi?
You're required to summon them a number or times to acquire a Trophy.
The trophy reward gives you [Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki & [Skybound] Kirari Summons Respectively.

On top of that [Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki has a 4th uncap ( Blue Star uncap ) which if done completes a trophy and gives you SR Character Kanzaki Ranko.
The trophies required to see her 4th uncap are
  • The 6 Different Trophies from delivering the killing blow to the 6 different magnas using
    [Skybound] Ranko Kanzaki
  • The 3 Trophies from
    • Leveling Anastasia & Shibuya Rin to Level 50
    • Leveling Akagi Miria, Totoki Airi & Honda Mio to Level 60
    • Leveling Shimamura Uzuki, Koshimizu Sachiko & Akagi Miria to Level 70
This Event just has lots to get and do so don't miss out on it.
The amount of characters you can get from this event and how easy it is to get them also makes this a really good event for beginners.
At the moment of this post there's 5 days left on the event so if you haven't done it make sure to at least get the characters and summons~!

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Rank up!

Ranked up in CS:GO~!
Master Guardian I > Master Guardian II

Monday, 5 June 2017

World of Warcraft - Inactive

My World of Warcraft Subscription ended and therefore not touching it for awhile until i decide to go back or when something interesting happens.
I do have WoW tokens in the account when i do want to go back though.

Stopping Mythic Raiding just pulled too much of the challenge out of the game for me.
And playing alone is pretty boring when there's no game progression.

 Will update when something happens with my WoW.

Granblue Fantasy - WARLOCK!

3rd IV Class~! Warlock!

With the reset on prestige pendants for the new week~
Here comes the 3rd "IV Class"

Why Warlock?

Very simply i chose Warlock over Beserker just to use the weapon "Septian Burner" which increases drop rates.
(Also, Warlock Djeeta is cuter.)

However with this 3rd unlock I've run out of CP for the next class~
So i'll have to stick with these 3 for awhile.

Her achievement was really easy and the solution was written in the Spartan unlock post here.

Not really sure what's the next step i should take other than farming damascus ingots from events now.
And waiting keenly for the next Unite & Fight where my Revenant Gun will be completed.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Granblue Fantasy - Spartan Unlocked

Following Elysian the 2nd IV class~

Spartan's achievement quest was pretty easy.

Generally the only gimmick you had to deal with was the "Repel" at 25%.
Therefore bringing dispel is advised. or at least thats what i did.

As for the "Phalanx" at 50% you can just wait out the 3 mins if you think you won't get your dispel back in time for "Repel"

Other than that it's just using skills on cooldown and using phalanx on Charge Attacks other than 50%'s "Phalanx" and 25%'s "Repel"

At the same time i also went through some of the other achievements for "Row IV" Classes
  • Superior Duelist Trophy
  • Superior Clergy Trophy
  • Superior Mage Trophy
  • Superior Lancer Trophy
They were all pretty straightforward unlike Elysian's and Spartan's Quest.
First 3 required you to just nuke the old lady.
The 4th one "Superior Lancer Trophy" was pretty tough though.
( Cleared it with main hand as Axe)

The beginning is the same turn on buff,debuffs and just attack.

  • However after 45% she uses Springwater Robe which gives her "Mirror Image".
    You can clear that with any summon skill.
  • Note that after 45% her Charge Attack also changes into "Resonating Surge" which deals a ton of damage.
    Making sure you survive this is pretty important as it can deal a lot of damage.
    As fire i used Athena and a pot to fill up my health to deal with this.

Grids are same as in previous post here~ (There is a backup Fire Sword called "Balanced Blade")

Next up will either be Berserker or Warlock depending on what i feel i need more at the time but with both their achievements acquired it'll be a matter of time.
As for the 4 achievements I've yet to achieve i might have to hold it off awhile due to lacking the weapons required. Will give it a shot and update if cleared though.