Friday, 28 July 2017


Deranked in CS:GO to Nova Master QAQ Why are there so many hackers and types of hacks in CS:GO Smurfs are still human and well we lose in skill but Hacks are just ridiculous... I mean winning is fun but when you don't lose to someone because you're inferior but because he chooses to cheat... It's just sad... Losing the rank is fine and all but the pure number of cheaters is just getting ridiculous... I'm drowning my salt QQ Of course there's always the possibility that i'm way above my play rank and that one guy is just really good at shooting my entire team dead in 20s while spinning~

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Granblue Fantasy - First Eternal!

With the Rise of the Beasts event~
I've finally managed to get my first Eternal~!
And playing a fire team of course the first one would be~


Tien is usually the first go to Eternal for the sole reason that
She boosts Item drop rate with her Support Skill and has 100% Bounty Success rate on her skill set helping a ton when farming specific items.

1 down! 9 to go~

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Granblue Fantasy - Rise of the Beasts

It's once again time for Rise of the Beasts!

Pretty much the only time in which Gold Brick can be farmed.
So don't forget to farm your Gold Nuggets.

They're done by doing the Daily Mission that resets everyday
And by redeeming them with 10,000 Four Symbol Pendants per Gold Nugget.
Of course i didn't forget to do mine for today~

Note: Gold Brick's main use are for completing Revenant Weapons to Attain it's attached Character!

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Dota 2 - Hero Guides Foreshadowing

Right now as I'm learning the game,
I don't want to make posts about Heroes and Gameplay with my current sense of the game so
when I've finalised my rough playstyles on ALL of them,I'll finally start putting out some guides for that.
Look forward to that.
It'll take awhile before they actually happen though~

Also hope to be able to explain technical stuff that'll help in gameplay & beginner gameplay guide.
D.O.T.A. is a game that has been around for awhile and a really large player base which makes joining it new really daunting and having fun even harder at the start so these guides will hopefully make them easier to start.

Not that anyone reads this.
No promises though.
As much as i want to be at a level where i can put out significant guides for them.
I myself may not be at a level where i should teach others which may deter me from doing so until then.
Right now I'm sitting at 3k MMR but I would really like to know where people consider to be decent MMR so i have a rough idea where I have to climb to to get a feel my abilities.
Lots to do. Hope I actually do them~!

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Dota 2 - 3k

Finally reached 3k to determine that I sort of know what I'm doing.
Now to actually learn the game~!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Dota 2 - Siltbreaker Act 1 Basic Itemisation and Gameplay ( Drow Ranger )

With the purchase of a compendium you'll unlock a limited game mode called Siltbreaker.
Itemisation in Siltbreaker was one of the entry problems for me when first playing cause knowing what you need before you face a boss is pretty important and not having it may just block progression for you especially when playing alone.

 So here's how I build my Drow Ranger.
We'll start by thinking about the endgame first.
To defeat Rhyzik (Act 1's Final Boss),
You'll need to have a Monkey King Bar, Shadow Blade and a Satanic for survival.
That puts you at 3 confirmed slots.

If you don't have any Rhyzik Artifacts, your end game build will look something like this.

  • Silver Edge
  • Mjollnir
  • Aghanim's Scepter
  • Satanic
  • Daedalus
  • Monkey King Bar
  • Moonshard (Eaten)
Now to Item progression and a rough strategy guide.

  • Boots
You start off with boots.
Player who want to ensure their survival may grab a Healing Salve or two at the first shop they find.

  • Phase Boots, Maelstrom
  • Boots, Shadow Blade
Before Zone 3: Trial of Gallaron, players without Artifact Pelt of the Old Wolf may want to get a Phase Boots or Shadow Blade to supplement their movement speed.
More experienced players will want a Maelstrom for damage while less experienced ones should take a Shadow Blade which helps with survivability and removing aggro.

  • Phase Boots, Mjollnir
  • Boots, Shadow Blade, Aghanim
Based off your branch from the previous items you'll want to get either of these by Zone 5: Silkmire Pass

From here on out it's all DAMAGE

While you want to get a Satanic before Zone 8: Kalabor Waste to increase your survivability, there's no need to rush for it if you believe you can stay alive esp if your team has Vladmir's or Artifact Unhallowed Icon.

Be careful of Zone 8: Kalabor Waste's Centaur and Zone 9: Shatterblast Canyon's Golem's Blademail.
You will take damage hitting them unless you have both Satanic active and Artifact Carapace of Qaldin which doubles your healing.

Finally Rhyzik
His moveset is.
  1. Hitting the nearest target and a tailswipe that comes in from his left (your right).
  2. Digging forward towards a target if anyone is in the line above his digging path they get knocked up and damaged and it ends with him blinking towards the nearest player and hitting them (Move 1).
  3. He stops moving and channels tornadoes around him and 1 from the outside which homes in on each player.
  4. He stops moving and channels Shockwaves from him which if hits a player knocks up and deals damage.
  5. He digs under ground with only his tail out and summons mobs. the purple ones explode when touching a player while the rest heals him if they reach him.
During move 1, Letting the tanker tank the boss and just hitting him while not getting hit by the tail is all you do.

Silver Edge/Shadow Blade is to supplement your movement speed during move 2, 3 & 4 and to hide from the homing tornadoes.
It can also help you to dodge the blink transition into the hitting phase (move 2 > 1) so that you avoid being a target at this point.
And during move 5 you just hit his tail.
Satanic will usually be enough to survive the mobs explosion but if 3 happens at the same time you might die so you might want to watch out for that.

And well... You Win?

If you manage to Kill Rhyzik he's supposed to drop an Item for sure so hopefully you get yours.
Drow can really make use of Artifact Finale Caustic as her Aghanim allows her to hit 3 targets at once and apply its debuff.
Artifact Rhyzik's Eye is useful for survivability especially if dodging isn't your specialty.
And Carapace of Qaldin is useful for hitting through Blademail.
So good luck getting them.

Another Notable Artifact is Unhallowed Icon which drops from Spider Boss Ankaboot.
It allows all players to heal each other with their damage so having one in your team might rid you of your need for a satanic at Rhyzik ( Assuming you can survive without the strength ).

I myself have only gotten up to 2 stars on Rhyzik at the moment so go ahead and experiment with things and have fun.

Here's the link to the General Information about Siltbreaker on its Wiki

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Granblue Fantasy - 300 Rolls SPARK!

Haven't updated in awhile so i'm back with bigger stuff~


Here's the summary of the result.
It was disappointing... QAQ
Didn't exactly get anything i wanted and had a fair amount of duds but hey I did get some some stuff that I can use~

Firstly my spark was

Struggled between Sturm & Mahira but chose Mahira because
1. Mahira is one of the zodiac making her a limited character
2. She's one of the stronger Earth Characters for when i make an Earth Team
3. She's a loli
I can't really decide on characters other than referencing tier lists at the moment due to the fact that I only run a fire team at the moment.
Consideration for Sturm was only on the fact that she'd be an immediate asset to my character set however Mahira being limited within the year made her a higher priority.


  • 22 x 10 Rolls
  • 80 x Single Rolls

Moon Results
  1. 29 Bronze Moon
  2. 9 Silver Moon
  3. 3 Gold Moons
SSR Results

15 SSRs + 1 Spark
9 Weapons ( 6 New Characters + 3 Gold Moons )
6 Summons

Thats makes the SSR Rate here 1 in 20 rolls

SSR Characters

In order from left to right, top down

Mahira (SPARK)
Zeta [Dark]

Particularly happy about Magisa & Yggdrasil here.
Magisa because she's a really strong Fire Character allowing me to play around with my party members.
Yggdrasil because she's one of the few Primal Race Characters and her skill set looks pretty good.
But was actually hoping for Grand series characters who were exclusive to Premium Galas.


7 New SR Characters
4 New R Characters

Won't be writing on who they are due to the fact that most of them won't be useful.

All in all I got a fair amount of stuff and rolling 300 times was really fun to see what each roll would give me.
Back to saving for the next 300 Rolls though :P