Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Puzzle & Dragons - Lucky Rolls~

Puzzle & Dragons Update~
Recently, Puzzle & Dragons NA held an event that gave us if you did it effectively 4 Rare Gacha Rolls~
  • Rare Egg Machine x2
  • Dragonbound & Dragon Caller Rare Egg Machine x2
The event itself is over so I won't get into the event but,
Here are the results~

Leilan'series is really useful as "Board Changers" in their Awoken form.
So this is pretty good~

First Vishnu~ I'll take it!

The Next 2 Rolls from NeyREM are worth 10 stones per roll and range from 5* to 7*.

First Distel! And it was a 6* from a free roll!

Holy crap! An Ideal! One of the Highest Rarity Monsters of this Hatcher which is exclusive to this Hatcher and,
IT MOVES! I didn't capture the animation here though so you'll have to get one to see it.

Finally a sneak peak into what I rolled for My JP PAD Godfest recently.
I won't actually post most of their rolls here until i introduce my box~
But basically she's one of the most recently introduce Godfest Exclusives.
And another cool thing about her is that like Ideal, she MOVES!

Got pretty lucky with my rolls this time around.
Didn't get what I wanted on the JP side though so a little sad~
Back to saving up Magic Stones~

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Fun - Just amused

Just amused by the fact that it's a repeating number~
Can you guess what game this is?

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Game Introduction - Total War: Arena

So recently I started Total War: Arena on the Wargaming.net Platform.
A game from the Total War series which was one of my favorite games from my childhood.

Read more to learn about the game~

Helpful Links:

Monday, 26 March 2018

Puzzle & Dragons - Lucky Rolls!

Puzzle & Dragons (NA),

From the previous Full Metal Alchemist Hatcher,
I forgot if it was a free roll or on my first roll but,

Edward Elric~

And from the current Valentines Hatcher,

Valentines Ney

Valentines Ney came from my first roll on the Valentines Hatcher too~!
Free roll for Valentines was Leilan.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Monster Hunter - Incomplete Decoration list

Updated Monster Hunter: World Page with a Decoration List.
However I've omitted decorations I've yet to obtain.

The Decorations are sorted based on usage and Jewel Size.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

GBF - Azazel

Literally what it says in the title.
SSR Azazel
No pics of him because i forgot to take a pic and im lazy to get one after i missed the initial one.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Update - Monster Hunter: World~!

Have been playing Monster Hunter:World since the it's release date on the PS4.

Will create a page for it soon~